Rural Councils Victoria is calling on all candidates in the upcoming federal election to commit to fixing the housing crisis in rural Victoria.
Rural Councils Victoria Chair Cr Mary-Ann Brown said:
“Candidates can commit to helping solve the problem by
- doubling the National Housing Infrastructure Finance Corporation funding facility to $2 billion, and
- establishing a grant program for rural areas to address housing infrastructure barriers.
“The Rural Councils Victoria Housing Blueprint shows that we need 87,400 new homes in the next 15 years right across rural Victoria.
“And that’s before we take into account the recent surge in rural population as people move from the cities.”
“ABS data shows a 15,700 population increase across rural and regional Victoria, with the rural population increasing by 8,587.
“Housing supply shortfalls have a big negative impact on rural communities – including foregone jobs and lost opportunities.
“The Housing Blueprint found that there would be up to $1 billion per year in lost Gross Regional Product in rural Victoria if action is not taken.
“The Blueprint, produced by SGS Economics and Planning, found that the sectors of the economy worst hit by the lack of appropriate housing for rental and home ownership include:
- agriculture
- forestry and fishing
- manufacturing
- construction
- health and social assistance
- education and training,
- tourism
- hospitality, and
- the rental, hiring and real estate industries.
“But every sector would be negatively impacted. That is why Rural Councils Victoria is calling on the incoming Government to commit to boosting rural housing supply.
“This will supercharge migration to rural areas, stimulate economic development and create employment opportunities for rural communities right across Victoria.”